Torque: A Futuristic Spin on Retro Design

LuxMea Studio's 3D Printed Accessory Captures the Spirit of the Legendary 1970 Charger

Design and technology converge in LuxMea Studio's Torque, a 3D printed accessory inspired by the 1970 Charger from the Fast & Furious franchise. This innovative design, which won the Golden A' 3D Printed Forms and Products Design Award in 2017, showcases the potential of 3D printing in the realm of lifestyle and design.

The Torque is a testament to LuxMea Studio's innovative approach to design. Inspired by the Voronoi diagram, the design team reinterpreted the robust volume of the 1970 Charger to create a polarizing visual effect that juxtaposes the futuristic and the retro. The design also experiments with the visualization of the Doppler effect, adding another layer of spatial arrangement to capture the notion of acceleration—a challenging feat with a static object.

What sets Torque apart from other designs is its unique properties. The accessory, which can be made from resin, brass, silver, or other metal alloys, features two overlaying layers of Voronoi grids. These grids offer a strong alternative to Cartesian grids, with their structural loads evenly distributed. The grids start round and dense and gradually become compacted and looser toward the tail, reflecting the Doppler effect and symbolizing a car with accelerating velocity.

The design process of Torque integrated digital modeling and 3D printing, with a constant awareness of parameters and constraints. The outer layer of the design approximates the car’s perimeter, while the inner conceptual layer is a meteor-like volume—a metaphor for speed and direction. Both layers were divided into Voronoi grids using an algorithm. The Doppler effect was created with an additional parametric attractor, generating tension toward the head of the car.

The Torque is not just a decorative accessory—it's an artifact designed for display. The complex hollow Voronoi structure offers non-conventional aesthetics that don't fatigue with time. Whether it's being appreciated for the first time or collected for a long time, the design always offers new spatial opportunities and intriguing details.

Creating the Torque was not without its challenges. The most difficult part was the digital modeling of a smooth spatial Voronoi structure. The design team conducted extensive research on different methods and software, experimenting intensively with modeling among mesh, NURBs, and subdivisions. Ultimately, they developed a viable method to generate accurate Voronoi grids, overcoming the challenge and creating a design that is both innovative and aesthetically pleasing.

With the Torque, LuxMea Studio has proven that 3D printing can be used to create designs that are not only functional but also visually stunning. This design, which captures the spirit of a legendary car in a futuristic form, is a testament to the power of innovation and creativity in the realm of design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Qian Yang
Image Credits: Image #1,2,3: Steven Avis, 2017 Image #4,5: Qian Yang, 2017
Project Team Members: Qian Yang Steven Avis
Project Name: Torque
Project Client: Qian Yang

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